Viledon GTC90P MERV 12 Cartridge

Viledon GTC90P MERV 12 Cartridge Filter

Vildeon Filter MERV 12

  • Viledon GTC 90P cartridge filters are developed for use in supply air systems for gas turbines and turbo compressors for both on and off shore environments.
  • Viledon GTC 90P does extremely well in all environments including urban & residential environments, tropical, coastal, or marine environments, semi-arid or arid environments, desert, environments, and arctic environments that may endure both frost and snow.
  • The filter cartridges provide optimized ratio between filtering area, pleat depth, and number of pleats.
  • Frazier Air Permeability Test is rated at 16.
  • GTC 90P (Plastic) is specifically designed for demanding corrosive environments. The GTC version includes plastic (non-corrosive end caps) and stainless steel (non-corrosive) internal liner.
  • Moisture-resistant up to 100% relative humidity.
  • The GTC 90P meets the 25″ W.G. GE 72 Hour Wet Air Filter Breach Test.
  • Temperature Resistance: Continuous 160 degrees Fahrenheit, peaks 175 degrees Fahrenheit
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