EFS V4 Bank Synthetic Air Filter
Part Number(s)
F8V4T-2424-GWB, F8V4T-2024-GWB, F8V3T-2020-GWB, F8V4T-1224-GWB, F8V4T-2424-GWB
- Created to withstand high velocities and turbulence, the EFS V4 Bank is excellent for most types of air handling systems.
- This filter yields exceptionally low pressure drop (.30”) at high efficiency levels (65%/MERV 11 through 95%+/MERV 16).
- The rigid frame construction prevents damage to the filter media.
- The frame dimensions, depth, and filter performance of the EFS V4 Bank meet the requirements of standard air handling systems.
- The filter element is free of metal parts, which eliminates corrosion and punctures of the media.
- The EFS V4 Bank is lightweight, is easy to handle, and provides for low-cost transportation and disposal.
- The EFS V4 Bank Filter sports synthetic material rated at ASHRAE 65% (MERV 11) through 95+% (MERV 16).
- The non-shedding synthetic fibers are specifically designed to resist moisture and chemicals, prolonging the life of the media and resisting bacterial growth.