Coil Cleaning For Gas Turbine Air Inlets


Gas turbine inlet air filters require clean air for optimal performance. You don’t want debris getting into your air stream and you don’t want air flow to be blocked. This can cause issues in your process. So, coil cleaning is necessary even for gas turbine air inlets.

Coil Cleaning for Gas Turbine Air Inlets: What is it and Why it Matters

Coil cleaning is a process we take to clear out your coils and clean them for optimal air flow. The process of coil cleaning is done by using a high-pressure water hose or vacuum to remove dirt and grime. We use a probiotic solution that we spray in your coils to help remove biofilm that lives deep inside the coils. Our probiotic solution stays on your coils to help keep biofilm from growing again.

It’s important to clean your coils regularly because they can be a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. They are also responsible for the spread of allergens and asthma triggers, so it’s important that they are kept clean at all times.

Why Coils Need to be Cleaned?

Biofilm likes to grow deep inside your coils. They thrive in moist environments. Dirt, mold, and bacteria growing on and inside your coils can also heavily restrict airflow. This causes your HVAC system to use more energy to force air through your coils, thus increasing costs.

The dirt on the coils can foul parts on your system and cause you to replace parts sooner rather than later. Keeping your system free and clear of debris can help your HVAC system last longer and work more efficiently. Coil cleaning for gas turbine air inlets should be a part of regular maintenance for optimal performance.

What are the Advantages of Coil Cleaning?

Best practices for coil cleaning for gas turbine inlets include getting readings done regularly. We provide a coil cleaning mapping report before and after every coil cleaning job so the numbers can speak for themselves. Coil cleaning can lower costs, increase performance, and help you run more efficiently and effectively.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Gas Turbine Air Inlet Coils

Some people may think that because this is not a hospital, coils don’t need to be cleaned as often. Sure, hospitals can be more thorough with their air filtration, but gas turbine inlets need to run efficiently as well. Replacing air filters as well as lube filters, such as the one’s we provide from HILCO, often should go in hand with coil cleaning. For more information on what we offer, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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