To say that 2020 has been a wild ride of a year feels like quite an understatement. The global pandemic brought on by the novel coronavirus has not only changed the way we live but has also fundamentally altered the way we do business.
Not only are more people working from home than ever before, but the business across all industries is offering services that cater to the safety demands of our current situation. Curbside pickup, contactless delivery, and reduced retail sites and hours are the new norm for American businesses.
With these new societal changes, you’d think that the need for commercial space would be on the decline. In fact, it is the opposite. Specifically, it is the retail establishments that are struggling to keep the doors open. Businesses that have been able to swap to a shipping model are actually increasing their demands for space.
If you own commercial real estate, now more than ever is the time to reevaluate your current industrial air filtration system and maintenance procedures. A properly equipped system could be the difference in protecting your employees healthy and safe and keeping your business operating smoothly.
Let’s take a look at the latest data and information you need to know as we head into 2021.
COVID-19 is Primarily Spread Through the Air
When the novel coronavirus pandemic began, the general consensus of the medical community was that the virus spread primarily through contact with a contaminated surface. Initially, we were told that it did not spread through the air unless through direct contact with someone sneezing or coughing.
Nine months later we have come to learn that the virus is in fact primarily spread through the air (as well as through contact with contaminated surfaces). As a commercial building owner, this means that you have the power to positively affect the health and safety of your building’s occupants through the care and maintenance of your industrial air filtration system.
Fresh Air Can Dilute Virus Concentration in Your Building
As building owners, you are likely accustomed to providing recycled conditioned air to an enclosed environment. This is often done to save money and energy by re-circulating the air throughout the building. As you might imagine, this is not a great strategy during a pandemic that features a deadly airborne virus.
While it may temporarily raise your energy costs, it is important to try and find ways to incorporate fresh airflow into your building’s airflow. Studies have shown that using 100% supply air in your system can drastically lower the spread of COVID-19. Keep the HVAC system running, but find ways to open windows, prop open doors, and use fans to keep the air flowing in from the outside.
Fewer Types of Filters Can Effectively Catch the Virus
At the beginning of the pandemic, we believed there was a higher range of filters that were effective at combatting the spread of the virus. We knew the particles were incredibly small, but the range of filters that have turned out to be effective enough are fewer than we thought. Filters with a rating of ePM2.5 to ePM10 were initially thought to be effective enough to catch the virus in its fibers. New studies are now showing that filters with a rating of ePm1 or lower are the only ones tough enough to stand up to the coronavirus.
If you have installed new filters in your HVAC system as a response to the pandemic, now is the time to double-check the ePM rating on them to make sure you are up to snuff. If you have not taken the time to replace the filters in your system, now is the time to make the investment and do the maintenance work. People’s lives literally depend on it.
Personal Air Filters Can Make a Huge Difference
If your commercial building is still occupied and in regular use during this pandemic, it would be smart to advise your tenants of the benefits of using personal air filters to help reduce the spread of the virus among their staff. Studies have shown that the use of a personal-sized air filter in your regular workspace can drastically reduce the spread of the virus amongst co-workers. When combatting an airborne pandemic like COVID-19, both quantity and quality of air filtration count in the fight to filter the airflow of your building.
If you are a more hands-on style of landlord, it might behoove you to invest in portable air filter systems that you can install in common areas of your building. Cafeterias, break rooms, bathrooms, meeting rooms, etc. are all places that would benefit from an additional air filter. Some commercial landlords are even offering to reduce rent and other benefits if their tenants invest in portable air filters for their offices. Working together as tenant and landlord is the key to success in this ongoing struggle against the coronavirus.
Single Filtration Systems are Just as Effective as Dual Filtration Systems
When things began to get out of control with the pandemic, people were led to believe that investing in or upgrading to a dual filtration system would be more effective at combatting the virus than a single filtration system. The logic is solid; if one filter is good, two filters are better. While this seems true, what we have learned over time is that it in fact makes no difference how many times you filter the air if the filters you are using are not rated high enough to trap the particulate matter.
Now we know for certain that it is solely the ePM rating of the filter which matters when it comes to catching the virus. You can still invest in or use a double filtration system to clean your building’s airflow, but make sure you are going through at least one filter with the proper rating. While we understand the importance of having filters with different ePm ratings, in the face of this lethal virus, it might be better to invest in filters that all have the necessary minimum rating.
We hope this information can help you do your best to protect the health and safety of your tenants. Stay safe out there and call AFC for your commercial air filter needs.

Advanced Filtration Concepts is a
Certified Veteran-Owned Small Business.