Of all environmental health concerns, indoor air quality (IAQ) is among the top five risks U.S. citizens face today, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Casinos with poor air quality not only put employee’s health and happiness at risk, but customers as well. Besides the health risks to customers, poor IAQ causes employee illness and absenteeism and lost productivity.
The EPA has estimated that poor IAQ costs the country tens of billions of dollars in medical care and lost productivity every year. Given this staggering number, indoor air quality for casinos can be a critical investment in a company’s revenue.
Excessive smoking has historically been the problem with air quality in casinos. Even in casinos where smoking is no longer allowed, though, indoor air quality continues to be an issue. From the lingering smoke in casinos to the business effects of poor indoor air quality, proper air filtration in casinos is vital to their continued success.
Health Effects of Lingering Smoke
Studies have shown that even smoke-free casinos still have poor air quality levels resulting from years of customers and employees smoking in the facility. Casino restaurants and the casino floor alike were found to have poor indoor air quality, even if the restaurant was never a smoking area.
These results show that secondhand and third hand smoke still linger in casinos years after smoking has ceased, and it even leaks into areas of the building where smoking was never allowed. Some areas that were tested, even areas where smoking was never allowed, were found to pose a threat the elderly, children and those with heart and respiratory issues.
Business Effects
Especially in casinos where smoking is still permitted, proper commercial air filtration should immediately ventilate out smoke. Customers that do not smoke can become turned off of the business by having to spend time in a smoke-filled room.
Even in non-smoking casinos, poor IAQ from the smoking of yesteryear can continue to cause health issues for customers who may opt for other forms of entertainment or leaving early due to poor IAQ.
Furthermore, employee absenteeism and job performance will suffer with poor IAQ. Performance, attitudes, and health area all affected by poor casino IAQ.
It is critical that casinos adopt a quality indoor air purification system, including industrial air filters designed to eliminate lingering smoke and odors. Not only will this improve the health of customers and make them more comfortable in the casino, but it will improve employee productivity as well.
Visit Advanced Filtration Concepts full line of commercial air filters to eliminate lingering smoke and odors in your casinos. Visit us AFC on the web, or call us, at 323-832-8316.
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