The dry seasons in California have increased the severity of wildfires over the past few years. Normally, moisture would help tame the severity of wildfires, however, as the dry season continues, the wildfires become more difficult to control. Without the help of nature, the fires burn everything in it’s path. In California, we’ve experienced some of the costliest and deadliest wildfires in recent years. The destruction of wildfires are difficult to prevent, but not only do wildfires destroy life and property directly in it’s path, the smoke causes health issues for miles and miles away. The smoke from wildfires negatively affects indoor air quality. It’s important to know how to prepare for future wildfires and know how to keep your indoor air quality safe and healthy.
Protecting Indoor Air Quality
There are a few things you can do to help prepare from air quality contamination caused by wildfires.
- Be sure to keep outside air from entering your home or building. Make sure the cracks and openings into the space are sealed off.
- Have a good air filtration system in place, including carbon air filters to help with the smell of wildfire smoke.
- Keep natural causing particles caused by cooking, lighting candles, and vacuuming to a minimum during wildfires.
Activated Carbon Air Filters
To help mitigate the smoke smell from inside homes and buildings, activated carbon air filters are commonly used. Activated carbon products are designed to effectively remove particulates, as well as, a wide range of odors, dust, and gases that contaminate indoor air quality. These carbon products improve air quality while still providing high airflow. Carbon air filters are available in multiple sized and styles, from vbank filters to pleated and custom cut mats. It’s important to prepare for the dry seasons because wildfires happen unexpectedly and the pollution caused by wildfire smoke can negatively affect our health.
Custom Cut Carbon Media
If you’re looking for a quick solution to use with your HVAC system that’s already in place, activated carbon media rolls and mats are available. Have our team custom cut and install carbon filter media on your air hander unit. It can help prevent odor from wildfires from entering your building, thus improving your indoor air quality.

It’s a known fact that wildfire smoke causes major health concerns. It contaminates the air we breathe. Activated carbon filters can remove contaminated gases and odors from the destruction wildfires cause. To help keep indoor air quality healthy, please don’t hesitate to contact us for any information you have about commercial and industrial air filtration products and services.