Static Discharge

Tackling Varnishing Woes: The Shocking Connection Between Static Discharge and Gas Turbine Filtration

In the dynamic world of gas turbine systems, efficiency is the key to success. However, a subtle yet potent adversary often lurks in the shadows, threatening to disrupt the seamless operation of these powerful machines – static discharge. This seemingly innocuous phenomenon can have far-reaching consequences, leading to varnishing and wreaking havoc on your gas turbine filtration system.

The Shocking Impact of Static Discharge & Varnishing

Static discharge occurs when an accumulation of electrical charge on the surface of a material is suddenly released. In the context of gas turbines, this discharge can create a fluid problem that ultimately results in varnishing. Varnish deposits can coat crucial components, impairing their functionality and leading to a cascade of issues within the system.

Understanding The Varnishing Menace

Varnish, a sticky, resinous substance, forms as a byproduct of oxidation and degradation of lubricating oils in the turbine. When static discharge is present, it exacerbates this process by attracting and bonding particles to surfaces, forming a varnish layer that compromises the turbine’s performance.

Advanced Filtration Concepts: Your Solution Partner

Enter Advanced Filtration Concepts, your go-to solution provider for gas turbine filtration challenges. As an authorized distributor of HILCO filtration products, we bring cutting-edge solutions to the table. HILCO, renowned for its innovative filtration technologies, offers a range of products designed to combat varnishing and enhance the efficiency of gas turbine systems.

How We Can Help

At Advanced Filtration Concepts, we understand the intricacies of static discharge-related varnishing issues. Our team of experts is equipped to analyze your gas turbine filtration system and recommend tailored solutions. By incorporating HILCO filtration products into your system, you can mitigate the impact of static discharge, preventing varnishing and ensuring the smooth operation of your gas turbine.

The Advanced Filtration Concepts Advantage

  1. Expert Consultation: Our team provides personalized consultations to assess your specific challenges and devise effective solutions.
  2. Quality Products: As an authorized distributor of HILCO filtration products, we offer high-quality, reliable solutions that are engineered to tackle varnishing and enhance filtration efficiency.
  3. Proven Track Record: With a proven track record of assisting industries in overcoming filtration challenges, Advanced Filtration Concepts is a trusted partner in the field.


In the intricate world of gas turbine performance, static discharge emerges as a potential disruptor, leading to varnishing. Advanced Filtration Concepts, in collaboration with HILCO, stands ready to be your ally in overcoming these challenges. Let us work together to ensure the longevity and optimal functioning of your gas turbine system, keeping static discharge at bay and unlocking a new level of operational efficiency. Contact us today to learn more.

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