Commercial HVAC Coil Cleaning Blog Post

Commercial HVAC Coil Cleaning

Keeping any type of machinery and/or mechanical equipment clean and free of dirt, mold, grime, and debris will help it last longer and perform more efficiently. The same can be said with your HVAC system. Over time, your HVAC system will build up grime that will block the coils. This will restrict airflow and decrease efficiency. It can increase power usage and increase expenses as well. To allow your HVAC system to run as intended, it’s important to keep your coils free and clear from any blockage. Commercial HVAC coil cleaning could be your solution.

Chokepoint In Your HVAC System

Coils have always served as the chokepoint for the entire HVAC system because they are dense, deep, and easily fouled. Pressure washing has been the dominant cleaning method for coils but, you’re reaching only the outside of the coil. Bacteria and fungi like to hide and grow deep inside the coils, ultimately affecting Indoor air quality.

This chokepoint is also where most HVAC problems begin – everything from reduced motor life, to excessive energy consumption and reduced cooling capacity. Advanced Coil Cleaning Solutions helps mitigate these problems by penetrating our probiotic formulation all the way through the coils – reaching nearly 100% of the coils surface area. This makes it possible to easily and cost effectively keep the coils running clean at their peak efficiency.

Commercial AHU

Coils come in many different sizes. They are used in HVAC systems for healthcare industries, power plants, homes, buildings, and more. They require air to flow through the coils without restriction. Depending on your location, there are different types of debris that can be clogging up your coils. In addition, biofilm is common in coils and need to be treated right away to help prevent growth. Commercial air handler units are larger than most home units and require far more air exchange for larger areas. Our probiotic cleaning solution for air handler units helps keep away pathogens, reduce odors, and create a clean environment.

Commercial HVAC Coil Cleaning

HVAC coil cleaning is an essential part of maintenance operations and requires regular attention. The condenser and evaporator coils play an important role in determining the overall performance of the HVAC system. Coil Cleaning focuses on keeping these critical coils free of foreign materials, including biofilm. This will help increase your HVAC performance and reduce energy costs. It will also help your equipment last longer, saving you from future downtime and expensive repairs. Contact Advanced Filtration Concepts for more info.

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